
The Merchant Enrollment Iframe simplifies collecting essential business and owner information for your newly onboarding merchants. You embed the form in an iFrame, and Triple Play Pay handles capturing the data (business name, addresses, deposit info, owners, etc.).

Once submitted, we create (or update) a merchant enrollment record on Triple Play Pay. If you pass an apiKey, we can fetch pre-generated keys for the new merchant so you can store them for future use.


First, include our script:

Create an HTML container for the enrollment form:

Then, instantiate TppEnrollForm:

Listening for Events

The iFrame can fire events (e.g. submit) that you can handle in your parent page:

  • submit – triggered when the user finishes the form and clicks Submit. Returns an object with enrollmentId, plus optionally apiKey / publicKey if you have permission to fetch them.
  • isFormValid – triggered after you call enrollForm.isFormValid(), letting you know if the user has filled all required fields.

Public Methods

The TppEnrollForm instance exposes:

  • submit() – programmatically instructs the form to submit.
  • on(eventName, callback) – register for submit or isFormValid.
  • once(eventName, callback) – like on, fires once.
  • isFormValid() – checks if the form meets all required fields.
  • setValues(fieldConfig) – fill in iFrame fields (e.g. legal_name).
  • setVisibility(fieldConfig) – show/hide certain fields by name.
  • hideElement(elementId) – hide an entire element by ID in the iFrame.

Config Object (MerchantEnrollmentFormConfig)

When constructing TppEnrollForm, pass in a config object:

Fields Object (Fields)

The Fields type is used by setValues() and setVisibility(). Most important fields are:


With Merchant Enrollment Iframe, you can seamlessly onboard child merchants. If you have questions, contact support@tripleplaypay.com.